Monday, September 21, 2009

When a Cloud Covers a Celebration

Recently, I was scheduled to perform with my band at a wedding reception. Unfortunately, a life event intervened just the day before with the passing of a close relative of the couple.

Sometimes, these things happen. If we could control them, we would keep our dearest family members with us forever! We would never need to consider how to address the passing at a celebration.

However, we don’t have that control.

I encountered a similar situation when my mom passed. It was just days before a wedding reception I was contracted to play. I knew I couldn’t let the couple know what had happened. I wanted them to fully enjoy their special day. Much later, they did learn of my personal tragedy. I was grateful they didn’t have any idea on their day.

What’s worse, I think, is when the bride and groom have a family death. They have planned for a year or more for this day. After they make the decision whether to continue with their planned nuptials, they do have several choices on how to mark the passing (or not).

At a recent wedding reception where my band played, this exact situation occurred. I thought the couple showed such grace. The “spouse” acknowledged the family member on behalf of the couple. The couple was also sympathetic that guests weren’t quite ready to jump up and dance.

It was amazing, though. After awhile, everyone was ready to let loose. It was still a great celebration.

While we never want this type of thing to happen, we all do the best we can. Acknowledge what you are able to do and I wish you all the strength and grace you need for your situation!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Farm Goodness in Central Ohio

Recently, the band and I performed at a wedding reception hosted at the Flying J Farm in Johnstown. While they host many events, we were happy to participate in the inaugural wedding reception.

Although it was a great couple (Mickey and Andy) and the guests were so nice – some I haven’t seen in years, the location added beauty and humor. The farm hosts several horses and a donkey. Apparently, it was a special day for the donkey, because he wanted to be the center of attention. I also can’t imagine his timing could ever be more impactful. As I mentioned, the couple was great, so I know the donkey didn’t dampen their spirits on their wedding day!

So, are you wondering what happened? First, during the wedding ceremony as the bride was walking down the aisle, the donkey went to the part of his field that was closest to the alter to echo his enthusiasm for the nuptials. By his exuberance, I think he was especially pleased by the wedding.

Later, as the bride’s dad welcomed everyone and prepared to bestow words of wisdom on the bride and groom…the donkey attempted to steal the moment. Let’s just say he made inappropriate advances on a horse!

Of course, the Flying J Farm is a working farm. So, if you are looking for organic food items, check out their website, which includes a seasonal calendar for produce.

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Mountain of Love in WV

The band and I had the privilege of performing at Cheryl and Ted’s wedding reception in Hinton, WV. I won’t lie…the drive was stunning, but that last hill was a challenge. The event was on top of a mountain. When we left the highway and then the paved road AND then hit the gravel road on a steep incline, I wasn’t sure Large Marge was going to make it. I thought we might have to give her a push.

For those that don’t know, Hinton is along the New River. During the drive, I couldn’t help but be distracted by the natural beauty. It is just another example of how I am blessed in life to be able to play music and travel.

The night was just perfect. Everyone was super nice and we had a great time. Of course, nature provided the absolute perfect backdrop for the evening. It was capped by a stunning sunset.

Congratulations Cheryl and Ted! Thanks for allowing us to join you.

To see more photos, visit the Flickr set.

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Monday, September 7, 2009

Our Loving Dog

In my life, I have met many pets. Sometimes when I’m doing a private party in someone’s house, their dog or cat will befriend me. They might take a nap next to me, or even sometimes, try to sing a little with me.

I know everyone thinks their cat, dog, bird, iguana or hamster is just the funniest, cutest or does the best tricks. This may well be true. I know I would enter my childhood dog, Goldie, in several of those categories.

However, I’ve had the fortune and blessing to share a home with the most amazing dog ever. This dog, who is a Border Collie, is not only the smartest dog I’ve ever met, he truly is the most human like.

I know, EVERYONE thinks that.

This doggie can sniff my clothes and know whether we are going to lounge around the house or go to store or I’ll be gone all day. He plays hide and seek and can remember if we have a new hiding place! Until age got the better of him, he would sit up on his back legs just to watch us. He would even do this on a porch swing…watching the cars drive by and enjoying the day.

He can stare at me and I know whether he wants to go out or wants a snack. This I think is an example of him training me! He thinks he is a human with ESP. He believes he has great telepathic abilities. And, he does communicate better than most of people I’ve known!

I first met this amazing companion when he was three. He found my wife in his earliest puppyhood. Our lives are more filled because of him! He adds so much.

Unfortunately, today does mark the one month anniversary of his passing. I’ll miss him forever. But, I know my mom is looking after him and watching him run and play free of pain…back to those puppy activities from when I first met him.

KB March 2008

Always loved
February 1995-August 2009