Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 11th

November 11 is always a special day. For all of us, it is Veterans Day, a time to honor all veteran's. Although some may not know that it is also Armistice Day - the day the armistice was signed for WWI. It was first proclaimed by President Woodrow Wilson in 1919. However, it officially became a holiday, in the US, in 1938.

As we should, please thank any veteran in your life or that you meet today.

However, this day also holds a much deeper, more personal meaning for me. It is the anniversary of my angel mother's passing in 1994. I can't believe it has been 15 years! It seems like only yesterday I was going over to her house or she was traveling with me in my van to a show.

She was my biggest supporter. She was tough. She was passionate and caring and she was my mom.

On Veterans Day, I am thankful for all veterans who have served and I'm also thankful for my mom. It's Veterans Day and Mom's Day in my world.


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